Gutenberg is a new and fancy WordPress text editor that comes with the newer version of WordPress. It may get mixed opinions in the community but I for one love it! It brings tones of new features to play with and help you make your site stand out even more.

So, obviously, as a plugin developer I can’t really stay behind (and shortcodes are soooo 2019). That’s why for the past weeks I’ve been working on a Gutenberg block for the HTML sitemap feature in Companion Sitemap Generator.

With version 4.0 of Companion Sitemap Generator you’ll now be able to make use of this fancy new block in the WordPress text-editor and not only that, I’ve also extended the functionality of the block beyond that of the old shortcode.

Ofcourse I didn’t drop the shortcode so it’ll still work and it’ll keep working forever (yeah, that’s a long time). But I’ll continue to add new features to the Gutenberg block that the shortcode (might) miss out on.

Companion Sitemap Generator

Current version

Companion Sitemap Generator will generate both an XML and HTML sitemap for you, it will notify search engines of changes made to this sitemap and comes with a built-in robots.txt editor.